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Help Safeguard Intellectual Property

Help preserve information, facilitate compliance, and speed eDiscovery with Ntelogic's Email Archive ServiceFor small and medium-sized businesses, email archiving needs to become an essential component of your data management strategy. That’s because even as business data multiplies and storage costs escalate, industry regulations and legal risks are compelling companies to retain their business communications in a compliant, tamper-proof archive.
Gartner estimates that about 45% of an organization’s emails provide some business value because they are related to a project, an initiative or are considered an official record . It’s critical to protect this valuable asset—not just to preserve institutional knowledge against employee turnover, but to assure that emails cannot be accidentally (or deliberately) deleted by your employees. What’s more, Osterman also estimates that email storage needs are growing at 31%  annually. If your email is hosted on-premise, the costs of storing your intellectual property will rise astronomically over the life of your business.Download our White Paper to learn more...
Ntelogic‘s Email Archiving helps ensure that the value of your company’s intellectual property is maintained in perpetuity. By capturing every email as it’s sent or received, it ensures an  accurate repository, even if an employee deletes a single email or an entire PST file. It also gives employees the power to recover emails that they may have accidentally lost.

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