
Category: Security

Latest Facebook Data Breach

Facebook Data Breach Exposes User Data 540 Million Facebook Users Impacted User ID’s, Friends Lists and Photos Among the Data Exposed Two separate databases that stored Facebook user profile details on unsecured Amazon AWS cloud servers were discovered this week by cybersecurity research firm Upguard.

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Business Email Compromise Tops $12B

Internet Crime Complaint Center Releases Business Alert Report cites 136% increase in lost business assets On Friday the 13th, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) released a Public Service Announcement. The announcement warns of the risks businesses face from Business Email Compromise (BEC) and Email

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7 Ways to Improve Your Home Network Security

The FBI has revised its recommendations for home network security. The guidelines focus on protecting personal devices connected to the Internet. The information also applies to protecting your devices while traveling. It also provides best practices for your small business office network. More devices are

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Gmail Google Docs Attack

[twitter_follow screen_name=”ntelogic” show_count=”false”] Gmail Fake Google Docs Attack Spreading Rapidly More Than Just Your Gmail Account Potentially At Risk Gmail Users Encouraged To Take Immediate Action   A phishing attack that uses a fake Google Docs invitation is sweeping the Internet. The scam uses a

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Word Zero-Day Exploit

[twitter_follow screen_name=”ntelogic” show_count=”false”] Beware of opening Microsoft Word Attachments Newly Discovered Exploit Puts Word Users At Risk Microsoft Rushing to Issue Security Patch Over the weekend, Internet security experts discovered a vulnerability in all supported versions of Microsoft Word that can be used to silently install

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Scam of the Week: Airline Phishing Attack

Simple yet sophisticated phishing attack tricks a whopping 90% of users Attack leverages “criminal best practices” to steal credentials and plant malware There is a new spin on an existing phishing scam you need to be aware of. Bad guys are doing research on you

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Phishing Attempts Hit Close To Home

Think Your Business Is Immune? In the past 48 hours, two of our clients experienced confirmed phishing attempts. In each case, the business owners thought they were opening legitimate web sites and instead were confronted by ominous messages on their computer displays citing a virus

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New Scam – Security Software

Bad guys have a new scam. They create websites that look just like the real sites from security software vendors like Symantec, McAfee, Malwarebytes, Kaspersky and others. When you search for these sites, you could very easily pick the fake site instead of the real

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