
Category: SO/SMB Solutions

NTELogic.com | Secure Exchange Email

Exchange Email Environment Top Tips for Security

Exchange email is an essential tool for any business. By leveraging the cloud, organizations no longer have to house email servers on-premises, lowering costs and improving accessibility. While many Exchange environments offer the same features and functionality, they don’t all have the same security. If

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Email Archiving: Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Provider

Business email contains valuable information. Email archiving preserves information and enables compliance. Choosing an email archiving provider is no small task. Many options exist and not all services deliver equal capabilities. We explain what email archiving is and its importance in today’s business world.  

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Cloud Voice Service Shields Against Outages

[twitter_follow screen_name=”ntelogic” show_count=”false”] Safeguarding Against Voice Service Outages The most recent Microsoft outage left key Office services down for over 17 hours, leaving many companies wondering how they can communicate when disaster strikes. Business is impacted and opportunities lost if phone lines are not functioning.

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